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I truly believe art is everywhere. You just have to look for it! I like looking through my camera lens and capturing moments, feelings, expressions and emotions. I hope you enjoy my photos!

July 17, 2011

Fun with light

I love light in photography. You can manipulate how much or how little light the camera captures and can really change everything about a picture. The other night Alan and I took a few photos with this multicolor light-up wand thing. To get this effect, you have to have complete darkness, and put your camera on a slow shutter speed so that the lens stays open for several seconds. While the lens is open and capturing the photo, you move your light (it can be anything - a flashlight, lighter, etc.) around to create a shape. Once the lens closes, you have your cool light picture! You can "paint" with the light for an end result that is similar to an artistic painting.

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