About Me

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I truly believe art is everywhere. You just have to look for it! I like looking through my camera lens and capturing moments, feelings, expressions and emotions. I hope you enjoy my photos!

January 6, 2012

Our New Year's Trip To Gatlinburg

Alan and I went to Gatlinburg, TN for New Year's and had a wonderful time. We spent New Year's Eve in downtown Gatlinburg with about 20,000 other people (seriously) to watch the ball drop and fireworks display, ate at some of our favorite places in town, and spent some time in the Smoky Mountain National Park (my favorite part of the trip!) where we saw lots of amazing nature and wildlife. This was our third trip to the Smoky Mtns together since we met nearly 7 years ago.
Here are some of my pictures, but you can view them all here at my Picasa album.

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