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I truly believe art is everywhere. You just have to look for it! I like looking through my camera lens and capturing moments, feelings, expressions and emotions. I hope you enjoy my photos!

June 17, 2012

Summer Fun

My sister, brother-in-law and two nephews came down to visit a few weeks ago and we had so much fun with them! We went to the splash pad, did some shopping, had great dinners, and ended with a traditional Bulman family cookout, followed by some fun backyard playing! 

Go to my Picasa Summer 2012 album to see all the photos. 


  1. This just reminds me that I need to get outside more and do fun things with the water! There is a splash pad near us and I need to go check it out! Very cute pics!!

    1. Thanks Janette! The kids LOVED the splash pad and the best part is it's free! Have fun outside! Remember the sunscreen!
